played a major role in healing for 1000's of years. According to the World Health Organization, 90% of the actual general human population can be hypnotised. Hypnosis is a perfectly normal state that just about everyone has experienced. What we call "highway hypnosis" is a natural hypnotic condition. You drive somewhere and don't remember driving or even remember seeing the usual attractions. You are on automatic pilot. The natural hypnotic state also exists when you become so involved in a book, TV show or some other activity that everything else is blocked out. Someone can talk to you and you don't even see or hear them. Whenever you focus that strongly, you automatically slide into the natural hypnotic state.
The hypnotic state, by itself, is only beneficial for the relaxation it creates. The real importance of hypnosis to the curing and emotional change process is that while you are in the hypnotic state, your mind is open and receptive to suggestions. Positive and healing strategies are able to sink significantly into your mind considerably more rapidly and powerfully than when you are in a normal, awake state of mind. I say positive ideas because all research has confirmed that while in the hypnotic state, you cannot be made to do anything at all against your own moral attitudes.
All of our habitual and behavior controlling thoughts reside in what is known as our subconscious mind. It's called that simply because it is deeper than our conscious mind. It's below our level of consciousness. We are unaware of the thoughts and feelings that reside there. Did you ever overlook you had a dental appointment or some other appointment that you truly didn't want to keep? Your subconscious mind is where that thought or memory that you got to go to the dental practice at 2 PM went when you did not remember you had the appointment. Once it was too late to go, your conscious mind relaxed and the memory came back again.
Imagine that there is a trap door between your conscious thoughts and your subconscious thoughts. Usually, the trap door is closed until your brain waves slow down to a relaxed, alpha brain wave level. This happens when you are asleep. The door opens for short periods of time and ideas, pictures and thoughts come out of your subconscious mind. We call what comes out in your sleep, "dreams". Any time you are in a state of hypnosis, the door also opens so helpful ideas can be directed into your subconscious mind or overlooked memories can be retrieved.
The hypnotic induction that hypnotists use is merely a way to focus your attention and concentration so you will go into that natural, normal hypnotic state. Once in the state of hypnosis, the trap door opens and suggestions to help you can be given. The list of ways hypnosis has been used to help kids, adolescents and grown ups is virtually endless but does include: weight loss, stopping smoking, building self-confidence and self-esteem, increasing academic performance at just about every age level, improving test taking ability from children through high school, college, medical and law school as well as the National Teacher Certification Exam, pain management, removing anxiety, fear and phobias, stress management, insomnia and other sleep complications and helping to heal physical problems.
The 3 Keys to the productive use of hypnosis for self development and personal growth
are self motivation, repetition and believable suggestions.
1. The motivation to change must come from within you. If you are trying to change
because someone else wants you to "lose weight" or "stop smoking", the chances are
greately lowered that the hypnosis will work. For example, I've worked with many
people for weight loss or to quit smoking cigarettes who came to me because their physician or
spouse wanted them to change. These types of people do not respond as well to the hypnosis
as those who really want to change. Those who came because they wanted to quit
smoking or lose weight reacted quickly and easily. Before you start to use hypnosis
for your self improvement, you should get it clear in your own mind why you want to
change. This particular clear intention to change will help the hypnotic suggestions to take hold
and express themselves in your everyday life.
2. In order to really work well, suggestions must be strengthened by repetition. Most of the habits,
feelings and emotions we need to change are deeply implanted in our subconscious mind and
will not just "go away" with one set of suggestions. Nearly all of the time, the hypnotic suggestions
need to be done again on a regular basis until you notice a transformation. This is one reason that
most specialists in hypnosis give clients CD's of their sessions so they can listen to
them every day. It's also the reason why hypnosis CD's you buy can work so well. You get to
listen to them each and every day or often enough that the suggestions become permanently a part of
you. There is no way to predict how long it will take to see change. It will depend partly on
your motivation and commitment.
3. The third key to the successful use of hypnosis for personalized change is believable
ideas. If you are to accept a suggestion, your mind must first acknowledge it as a real
possibility. Informing a chocoholic that chocolate will be disgusting to them and will make
them sick is too big a stretch for the imagination. If a suggestion like this quite possibly took
hold, it could only last a brief time because it would be so unbelievable to a real
chocolate lover. In cases like this, one of the successful weight loss suggestions to use
is that the next time the individual consumes chocolate, it will not taste quite as great as the
occasion before. This is far more appropriate and believable to the majority of people. Then,
with enough repetition over a period of time, chocolate loses much of it's positive taste and control over that person.
You cannot be made to do something that is against your moral
ideals. An newbie or stage hypnotist might give you suggestions that may
embarrass you, might not function or that may possibly make you feel uncomfortable or self-conscious
at the time. For you tosteer clear of this, stick with this professionally designed Hypnosis Power Pack.
The one risk I know about involves falling asleep. If you are tired or if you become too relaxed, you may move from the
condition of hypnosis to the normal sleep state. This is fine if you were going to go to sleep right
after the trance but if you have got other plans after listening to a hypnosis CD, you may want to
set an alarm clock just in case you fall asleep. In relation to this, by no means listen to a hypnosis CD while driving. It is
really dangerous for you and everyone else on the road. Don't even listen to it if you are usually a
passanger as the relaxation suggestions may possibly make the driver fall asleep.
Over the years, personal development and personal growth using hypnosis has made it easier for millions of
people change their lives completely because it is actually a
harmless and effective tool for transformingyour own thoughts, feelings and habits.